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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Colonial system of administration in kenya and hierarchy of colonial administration in kenya

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Colonial system of administration in Kenya.
In their administration of Kenya, the British employed both central government and local government as the basic administrative framework.
Central Government.
The protectorate was divided into provinces headed by Provincial commissioners,
who acted as representatives of the Governor. The governor was answerable to the colonial secretary in Britain.
Hierarchy of colonial administration in Kenya.
1. Colonial secretary. Based in London, he was the political head of the British colonial administration.
2. Governor. Reporting to the colonial secretary, he was the representative of the British government in the Kenyan colony.
3. Provincial Commissioners. They represented the governor at provincial level and implemented the policies and laws that were enacted by the legislative council that was established in 1907.
4. District commissioners. They implemented policies and maintained law and order and security in their districts.
5. District Officers. They implemented orders from the DCs and coordinated the work of the chiefs.
They maintained law and order in their divisions.
6. Chiefs. They acted as a link between the people and the Governor at local levels.
7. Headmen. They were a link between the government and the people at the grassroots level.
