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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Reasons for the akamba defeat by the british

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Reasons for the Akamba defeat by the British
a) Some of the Akamba were not patriotic to the resistance course. Some self-serving opportunists allied with the colonial agents.
b) Internally, the Akamba lacked territorial cohesion. It was therefore very difficult to coordinate a strong resistance to British rule among a highly segmented society.
c) Sections of The Akamba community experienced severe famine in 1899. They were weakened to the level of being unable to stage a gainful resistance to the British.
d) The role of missionaries who pacified some sections to the level of collaborating with the intruders. The missionaries actively undermined their religious
practices and traditional beliefs.
e) When the Akamba caravan trade and raiding activities were disrupted, they had lost a significant source of livelihood and thus became weakened more.
