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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

The luo mixed reaction to the British:reasons for the resistance against the british by the luo of ugenya

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The Luo mixed reaction to the British
The resisters were the Luo of Sakwa, seme, Uyoma, Ugenya and Kisumu. The collaborators were the Luo of Gem and Asembo, led by Chief (Ruoth) Odera Akang’o.
Reasons for the resistance against the British by the Luo of Ugenya.
a) To protect their land and national heritage.
b) To protect their freedom and independence
c) Protect their livestock, grains and fish from being taken by the British soldiers who were indisciplined
d) The Luo had become a formidable nation in the area and did not entertain any intruder.
e) They were also provoked by the punitive expedition sent against them by Mumia and the British.
