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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Mixed reactions among kenya communities towards the british rule:the akamba reaction towards british rule

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Mixed reactions among Kenya communities towards the British rule
The communities that exhibited mixed reaction were the Akamba, Agikuyu and Luo.
The Akamba Reaction.
The arrival of the British traders threatened to destabilize the prominence enjoyed by the Akamba as middlemen during the long
distance trade. The British even tried to stop the Akamba from organizing raids on their Oromo, Agikuyu and Maasai neighbours.
Why the Akamba decided to resist British administration?
a) The British failed to respect Akamba traditions and customs. For example, the cutting down of the ithembo (shrine) tree
b) When the Akamba attacked the Agikuyu, The British intervened against them. This was not taken kindly.
c) The Akamba were protesting the misconduct of Company officials based at Machakos who stole from the local people and raped Akamba women.
d) The establishment of colonial administration
disrupted the long distance trade, which was the Akamba lifeline.
