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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

The wanga collaboration with the british and reasons for their collaboration

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Wanga Collaboration with the British.
Nabongo Mumia, the Wanga leader from 1880, was an ambitious and shrewd leader who had the desire to expand his Kingdom through collaboration with British intruders and soliciting their military assistance.
Reasons for Wanga Collaboration.
a) Nabongo Mumia hoped that by collaborating, he
would be made a paramount Chief of the entire western region.
b) There was family rivalry over leadership. This compelled Mumia to seek help against his brother Sakwa.
c) He wanted British protection against the Nandi, who were by then enjoying military superiority, the Bukusu and the Luo of Ugenya
d) He wanted to revive a disintegrating kingdom.
e) He wanted to take advantage of the British western civilization particularly education and religion.
f) He aimed at achieving territorial expansion. Mumia aimed at ruling up to Kabras, Kimilili, Marama, Butsotso, Ugenya and Samia.
