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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Results of the nandi resistance towards the british

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Results of the Nandi resistance towards the British.
a) The Nandi country was colonized by the British after 1906. The Nandi lost their independence.
b) There was massive loss of life. Koitalel Arap Samoei, his entire council of elders and over 1000 warriors were killed.
c) There was destruction of property through burning and looting. E.g the British confiscated atleast 5000 herds of cattle and burnt more than 5000 huts and grain stores.
d) There was massive land alienation. The Nandi were pushed into reserves where they experienced impoverishment due to drought and cattle diseases.
e) The Nandi military organization disintegrated thus making them lose their dignity and authority in the region.
