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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Reasons for the maasai collaboration with the british

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Reasons for the Maasai collaboration with the British.
a) Losses of the Maasai military supremacy. At the time the British came to Kenya, the Nandi had overtaken the Maasai in terms of military superiority. They therefore sought for foreign support against their aggressors.
b) Internal feuds. There were a series of succession disputes in the period between 1850 and
1890 caused by differences in economic activities. In one of the disputes, when Lenana seemed to be losing to Sendeyo, he appealed to the British for support.
c) Natural calamities/disasters. The Maasai country witnessed severe hunger, livestock and human diseases in the 1850s.
d) Threat and wars from the Agikuyu. When the Maasai went to reclaim their women
and children at the end of the hunger period, the met with outright threat of attacks from the Agikuyu.
e) Prophecy of Mbatian. He prophesized the coming of a white man who was more powerful and that the Maasai should not bother to resist him.
