Why the nandi offered the longest and strongest ever resistance to the british intrusion in kenya.
Answer Text: Why the Nandi offered the longest and strongest ever resistance to the British intrusion in Kenya.a) The British intrusion into their territory happened when the Nandi were at the best of their power and superiority.b) Existence of a superior military organization based on the age set system. The Nandi armywas strong and could match any foreign force.c) The Nandi also possessed knowledge of weapon manufacture and repair through their local ironsmiths and using stolen railway material.d) The Nandi enjoyed regular supply of food and war equipment which sustained the fighters for a long period.e) The Nandi had good knowledge of the terrain in which they were fighting the intruders thus having an advantage over the British who were not familiar with the terrain.f) The Nandi knowledge of Guerilla tactics. This enabled them to organize many surprise attacks while vandalizing key Britishinstallations like the telegraph lines.