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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Terms of the Anglo-German agreement of 1886

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Terms of the Anglo-German Agreement of 1886.
The agreement facilitated peaceful settlement of the german and British claims on east Africa as follows;
a) The Sultan was given the 16 KM (10mile) coastal strip from Vanga to Lamu. He also acquired islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, mafia, Lamu, pate and Towns like Lamu, Kisimayu, Mogadishu, Merca, and Brava.
b) Germany acquired the coastline of Witu the region between river Umba in the North and river Ruvuma in the south.
c) The British got the territory north of river Umba up to river Juba in the north.
However, the treaty failed to determine the western boundary, thus leaving
Uganda up for grab to any power that got there first. Uganda therefore became a theatre of intense rivalry between Karl Peters who even secured a treaty with Kabaka Mwanga in 1890 and Fredrick Lugard who tried in vain to sign a treaty with Kabaka Mwanga.
