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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Course of the akamba resistance towards the british rule

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Course of the Akamba resistance towards the British rule
-In 1890, Nzibu Mweu led he Akamba in boycotting to sell goods to the company agents.
-Prophetess Syonguu also ordered the Iveti Warriors to attack the Masaku fort in the same year as a reaction to the cutting down of the ithembo tree for a flagpole.
-The British agents were defeated during this surprise attack.
-When the British tried to stop the Akamba raids on their neighbours in 1894, a Warrior, Mwatu wa Ngoma ordered the Akamba warriors, who had been inspired by medicinemen, to attack the British.
-The British responded with devastating consequences on
the side of the Akamba forcing them into collaboration with the British District Commissioner, John Ainsworth. Mwatu wa Ngoma became a collaborator.
Later, another gallant fighter, Mwanamuka, led the Kangundo people to attack the colonial police at Mukuyuni and Mwala,
killing six. With the assistance of Maasai mercenaries, the British sent a punitive expedition against the Akamba and even confiscated their livestock
