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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Methods used by the british to occupy Kenya

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Methods used by the British to occupy Kenya.
a) Signing of treaties. The following treaties were signed either by the British or on behalf of the British to facilitate their occupation of Kenya;
-A treaty by Sir William Mackinnon and the Sultan of Zanzibar Barghash in 1887 which effectively put Zanzibar under the British for 50 years.
-The Maasai Agreements of 1904 and 1911 between Oloibon Lenana and the British
b) Collaboration. The British collaborated with communities like the Wanga and Maasai who were later used as bases to extend British Authority over other areas.
c) Establishing operational bases. The British built Forts like Fort Smith (Kabete) and Fort Hall (Murang’a) to enhance their political control.
d) Use of company Rule. In the initial stages, due to the fear of the enormous costs of effective occupation and administration, the British mandated the IBEA.
