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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

The somali resistance to the british rule and its causes

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The Somali resistance to the British Rule.
The Somali resistance was a reaction to the British declaration that Jubaland was a British protectorate.
They were led by their leader Ahmad bin Murgan.
Causes of Somali resistance.
a) The Somali were opposed to the division of Somaliland into the British and Italian spheres of influence.
b) They were opposed to punitive expedition sent against them by the British.
c) The Somali people being Muslims were opposed to being controlled by the British who were Christians.
d) The British attempted to stop the Somali raiding activities against their neighbors.
e) The Somali were against British control of their pastureland and watering points.
f) The British wanted the Somali to drop their nomadic way of life.
