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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Factors that contributed to the scramble and partition of East Africa

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Factors that contributed to the scramble and partition of East Africa.
1. The rise of Nationalism in Europe. The Unification of Germany, after the Franco- Prussian war (1870-71) upset the balance of power in Europe and there was need
to rebalance out through acquisition of colonies in Africa including east Africa.
2. . Strategic location of East Africa in relation to Egypt. Europeans were concerned with the source of the river Nile in East Africa and control of the Suez Canal.
3. The need to speed up economic development of the European countries. The industrialized nations were rushing for colonies to tap raw materials to keep their factories running.
4. The rise of Public opinion in Europe. There was growth of public support towards the acquisition of colonies. E.g., the Daily Press in
London spoke well about acquiring colonies.
5. Social factors.
-East Africa was to be occupied as a means of stamping out slave trade and replacing it with legitimate trade.
