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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Course of the nandi rebellion towards the british.

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Course of the Nandi rebellion towards the British.
-The Nandi wars of resistance began in 1895.
-The Nandi mainly employed guerilla warfare ambushing the caravan traders and mail carriers who passed in their territory.
-When two Nandi warriors strayed into the Guasa Mesa administrative camp headed
by Andrew Dick in 1895, he murdered them as a response to the attacks by the Nandi on foreigners passing in their territory.
-The Nandi retaliated through the murder of a British trader, Peter West and thirty of his workers.
-When the railway reached the Nandi territory, they refused to cooperate with the railway builders and even
kept stealing building materials to make weapons and ornaments.
In 1900, the British sent three punitive expeditions under Colonel Evatt, the commander of the Uganda Rifles reinforced by the Maasai, Baganda, Swahili and Indian mercenaries.
-The Nandi were supported by the Kipsigis enabling them to resist for so long causing high death toll on
the British and the Nandi as well.
-The war was re-ignited when the Nandi realized that the British had started settling and farming on their land.
-The Nandi war of resistance only ended when the British officer in Nandi, Captain Meinertzhagen, hatched a plan to have Koitalel, the chief coordinator of the résistance, killed. He and his
advisers were killed in October 1905, during a “peace” meeting convened by Meinertzhagen.
