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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Course of the somali resistance to the british and the reasons why british initially reacted minimally to the somali aggression on their kisimayu neighbourhood in 1898

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Course of the Somali resistance to the British.
The British initially reacted minimally to the Somali aggression on their Kisimayu neighbourhood in 1898 due to the following reasons;
a) They viewed such an undertaking as to expensive in terms of the arms and military personnel that would have been involved.
b) The Somali were a nomadic group therefore it was very hard and time consuming to suppress them.
c) There was no economic justification for waging such a war on a highly unproductive territory.
However, when the Somali murdered the British sub-commissioner for Jubaland, Mr Jenner, in 1900, the British dispatched a punitive expedition of Indian regiments against them.
The Somali rose up again in 1905 against the British after they had procured Firearms.
