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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Why imperial british east africa company rule had failed by 1895

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Why IBEA Company rule had failed by 1895.
a) The region lacked strategic natural resources for export thus making the IBEACO, a trading company, to operate at a loss and narrow its revenue base.
b) The company lacked sufficient capital to carry out the day- to- day administrative operations.
The company had spent the little funds available in the construction of fortified trading stations.
c) Transportation of goods in the region proved expensive and slow as the region did not have any navigable rivers.
d) The company faced the problem of poor coordination of its activities caused by lack of proper channels of communication between the head office in Europe and the offices in the colony.
e) Some of the company officials were corrupt and therefore misappropriated funds.
