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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Kenya peoples responses to british invasion of kenya and reasons why the Nandi resisted British occupation of their land.

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Africans in Kenya offered varied responses to the British intrusion into their country. Some resisted while other collaborated.
The communities that resisted actively included the Nandi, Agiryama, Bukusu, Somali and sections of the Agikuyu
The Nandi Resistance (1895-1906)
Reasons why the Nandi resisted British occupation of their land.
a) The Nandi had gained a lot of pride, having subdued their neighbours E.g the Luo, Maasai, Abagusii and Abaluhyia.
b) The Nandi military superiority made them feel equal if not superior to the
whites. Their warriors were well- trained and equipped.
c) The Nandi detested the physical appearance.
d) The Nandi were opposed to Land alienation by the British.
e) Kimnyole’s prophecy that foreigners would dominate the Nandi motivated them to fight against the Europeans.
f) The Nandi had a long history of resisting and fighting intruders. They had successfully warded off the Arab and Swahili traders in the 1850s.
