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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Factors which facilitated the establishment of the British control over Kenya during the 19th century

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Factors which facilitated the establishment of the British control over Kenya during the 19th century?
a) The Christian missionary factor. They created an atmosphere of friendship with Africans, which was important for colonization.
b) Presence of trading company (IBEACO. The companies through their agents signed treaties with African rulers and among
themselves as a means of initiating effective occupation of Kenya.
c) Superior military power/good army. The European armies were more efficient than the African ones. This was witnessed in the ability to quell the numerous wars of resistance like the Nandi resistance.
d) Disunity among African communities. By the time the British came to East Africa,
the Wanga were up against the neighboring communities in western Kenya, the Nandi and the Maasai were at war and the Mijikenda against the coastal Arabs over land.
e) Signing of treaties. There was Collaboration of some communities with the British. The Maasai signed the Maasai Agreement of 1900. The Wanga also
signed various treaties with the British.
f) The British policy of indirect rule was readily acceptable, thus reducing the chances of resistance.
g) Financial support from the home government.
