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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

The process of maasai collaboration with the british

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The process of Maasai collaboration with the British
-The attempt by Lenana to secure assistance against Sendeyo was the beginning of his collaboration with the British
-The Kedong massacre incident (Maasai warriors attacked a caravan of Swahili and Agikuyu traders travelling from Ravine) and the resultant death of 100 Maasai at the hands of three white men
(Andrew Dick and two French companions) made the Maasai the immediately seek for collaboration with the British.
-They cooperated with the British in establishment of colonial administration. The provided mercenaries in the British punitive expedition against the Nandi, Kipsigis and Kikuyu. Maasai were rewarded with cattle acquired from uncooperative peoples e.g. The Nandi and Agikuyu
-They exchanged gifts and used British manufactured goods. Lenana was made a paramount chief.
Between 1904 and 1923, a fair proportion of the Maasai agreed to be moved from one grazing land to another to pave way for British settlement.
-They signed the first Maasai agreement in 1904 by which they moved into two reserves, one to the south of Ngong and
the railway and the other up on the Laikipia plateau.
-The second Maasai agreement of 1911 implied the Maasai abandon the Laikipia plateau to rejoin others in the enlarged southern reserve.
