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 Form 3 History and Government Lessons: Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya

Course of the agiriama resistance towards the british

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Course of the Agiriama resistance towards the British.
-The Agiriama resistance was inspired by a Giriama prophetess, Mekatilili wa Menza. She was joined by an Elder, Wanje wa Madorika in mobilizing people to a mass resistance against the British rule.
-The immediate course of their reaction was the forced military recruitment into the
KAR. Toprovoke the British to war, they barred their young men from moving outside their villages to work.
Mekatilili and Wanje called on the people to return to their ancestral shrine at Kaya Fungo and offer sacrifices and denounced all appointed puppet rulers in favour of the traditional council of elders.
-The two administered traditional oaths to unite and
inspire the people to war. I.e. the Mukushekushe oath for women and the Fisi oath for men.
-When a state of emergency was declared by the British over the Agiriama, they resorted to Hit-and-run warfare.
-The resistance only subsided when Mekatilili and Wanje were arrested and deported to Kisii.
