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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Self-interest is a vice that whoever engages in it is bound to fail. Using Blossoms of The Savannah, write an essay to support the assertion

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Answer Text:
Self-interest is defined as being focused on yourself or putting yourself at an advantage. An example of self-interest is thinking about your needs above the needs of others around you. It is one's personal interest or advantage, especially when pursued without regard for others. In the Blossom of the Savannah, there are characters who seek after their own good without considering others and hate terribly failed.
First, Mama Milanoi is a self-seeking mother. She wants to please her husband at the expense of her own daughters. Ideally a mother is expected to protect her children. She understands well that Resian and Taiyo are not in support of FGM and early marriage but she allows their father to sell them to Oloisudori and his friend. She even allows the women to trick Taiyo to Esiot to forcibly circumcise her because she cannot get in the way of a man who has played a big role in helping them acquire wealth. She has failed because her daughters escape from home and have lose trust in her.
Ole Kaelo thinks only of himself and not others. He puts the life of his daughters Resain and Taiyo at great risk for selfish gains. Although he knows how dangerous Oluisudori is, he tries as much to rationalize why he was making the best decision for his daughters. He is so interested in securing his wealth than minding his daughter’s
needs of going to the University. He plans to give Resian to Oloisuduri as the sacrificial lamb for his corrupt deals the extortionist Oloisudori. After visiting Oloisudori’s palatial homes, he is even more convinced that only a stupid daughter would refuse such a nice offer. He has failed to take her daughters to the University, meaning he has failed in his fatherly roles. He has also failed since the girls are rescued by Mink thwarting all his egocentric motives.
Oloisudori is said to be shadowy, extortionist, smuggler and a corrupt government contractor. He lures others into business with him with the promise of fast money, and then extorts them. He is widely known to be a criminal in Nasila, but is too powerful and too feared to be brought to justice. Having put Kaelo in his debt, Oloisudori asks for the permission to be let to marry Kaelo’s youngest daughter Resian. Both Kaelo and his wife Mama Milanoi had never anticipated for this. He brings very expensive gifts to the Kaelos which Resain returns to him later to show him that they cannot be bought by wealth. He fails because all the girls are rescued by Minik and are helped join Egerton University.
Olarinkoi pretends to be protective to Resian and Taiyo but has a hidden agenda. He does rescue them from a near rape to gain their trust. Later he kidnaps Resian after duping her that he was helping her escape to Minik’s place. We come to learn that he has personal interest of marrying Resian and escaping with her to Tanzania. He has also failed because Nabaru goes against their initial plan and aids Resian’s escape to Minik’s ranch.
In conclusion, people with self-interest always fail as illustrated by the characters discussed above.
