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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
Suddenly the beam of the vehicle's light brought in to view a small mud plastered house with a rusty tin root around the house was a thorn fence and beside the house was a small wooden gate that was shut. The vehicle slowed down and stopped in front of the gate. The two men conversed in low tones for a few minutes in the front cabin, then Olarinkoi opened the door and came out. He walked round to the back of the vehicle and shot back the tower bolts that held the tail gate and lowered it. He pulled out two bags, one of maize flour and the other of sugar, and lifted a couple of large cartons and placed them on the bags that were already on the ground. “What are you still doing on the back of the vehicle?" he asked Resian rudely. "Alight quickly, the driver doesn't have the whole night to wait." The moment she alighted, the pick-up reversed, turned and was driven off. Within a few seconds they were left in pitch darkness...

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Answer Text:
a) Place the extract within its immediate context.
Before the excerpt Resian is excited by the diversion that the vehicle had taken thinking that they have arrived at their destination.
After the excerpt Resian follows Olarinkoi Through the small gate to the front of a small yard. He unlocks the door, opens it and leaves her standing alone outsides then comes back outside.

b) Who is Olarinkoi? How had he come to be associated with the Kaelo family?
Although Olarinkoi’s clan is not well known to Nasila people as explained by Joseph Parmuat, people have varied views about his origin. He is a frequent visitor at the Kaelos and is offering services like tending the flower garden and slashing the grass on the lawn.

c) Using the rest of the book, explain how Resian had come to trust Olarinkoi.
First Olarinkoi saves Resian and Taiyo from the two men who nearly raped them.After running from home Olarinkoi appears again to her by Nasila River and tells her that he knows where the Emakererei is and he would take her there.

d) "What are you still doing on the back of the vehicle?" he asked Resian rudely. Write the sentence in reported speech.
He asked rudely what she was still doing on the back of the vehicle.

e) Identify and discuss a theme implied in the extract.
Theme of Betrayal. Olarinkoi betrays the trust that Resian has for him. Instead of taking him to the Emakererei he brings her to this small mud-plastered house. He also did not care what happens to her behind the pick-up and instead talks to her rudely.

f) Explain a stylistic device used in the extract.
Rhetorical question. Resian asks her self Where was she and was Olarinkoi sincere when he said he was taking her to Emakererei?

g) How does the Olarinkoi mentioned in the extract compare to another Olarinkoi in the book?
Joseph Parmuat tells Taiyo that the Olarinkoi, the legend, was extremely brutal and despotic and we can say the same about the Olarinkoi in the excerpt.
This is portrayed in how he handles Resian after kidnapping her.
