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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Reads the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follows.
When Minik began to speak, it was to Nabaru the enkabaani that she directed her discourse. Looking at her with charming warm eyes, Minik told her she thought she was her mother's age mate. She would not therefore begrudge her if she found out that, like her own mother, she supported the traditionally favored girl circumcision which was said to have been handed down to the people dating back to the time the Maa people ascended the Kerio Valley. That was said to be in accordance with Maa culture - a culture that she too loved and respected. She said that she even lauded the Maa culture for the tenacity of its fabrics that had enabled it to hold its people together long after others had disintegrated. She however said culture was supposed to be dynamic and it ought to shed off aspects that have outlived their usefulness. She argued that in the past such archaic aspects had been discarded and forgotten. She gave the....

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Answer Text:
a) Using the rest of the book, explain who Nabaru is and how she ended up in Minik's house.
Nabaru is a nurse. She is paid by Olarinkoi and the mother to nurse Resian to regain so that they can perfume the ritual of circumcising her and then becoming Olarinkoi’s wife. She nurses Resian like her own daughter and because she sympathizes with her, she informs her of ill plans against her and arranges for her escape and accompanies her to Ntaare- Naaju.

b) Minik has been described as an enemy of the Maasai.
Using the extract, give your reaction.
This is because she says that, emuratare-o-Ntoiye, which referred to the girl child circumcision, should be discarded for its time had passed and it had outlived its usefulness. She also says that the name of intoiye nemengalana, should stop being derogatory.

c) Discuss a theme used in the extract.
Theme of Female genital mutilation. Minik is a against
FGM. She considers it passed by time and therefore should be discarded. She talks until Nabaru is convinced that FGM is indeed harmful.

d) Explain a stylistic device used in the extract.
Use of local dialect. There mention of emuat, isiankikin, and emuratare-o-Ntoiye.

e) Describe one success that Minik achieves in the course of her speech and its significance.
She achieves to convince Nabaru about that FGM is harmful to the girls and she vows to join Minik in lobbying against it.

f) Give the meanings of the following words as used in the extract.
ii. injurious
iii. constricted
iv. derogatory
i.constant change
ii.causing damage
