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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
Her dream was rudely and violently interrupted by a thunderous bang and a loud roar of laughter. She woke up with a start, jumped up to her feet and stared at the door with wide panic-stricken eyes. For a moment she could not figure out her surroundings and called out the name of her sister Taiyo. She was terrified. The door flung open and Olarinkoi staggered in. He was stone drunk. Resian stared at him unblinkingly as he walked towards her and she backed off terrified, squeezing herself flatly against the wall. He followed her there and got hold of her shoulders and shook her violently glaring at her with his glittering eyes. “You silly thing,” he thundered angrily. “I tell you to prepare food and you refuse to do so, eh? Today you will know who the owner of this home is. If you are still in doubt, let me tell you frankly that from today on you are my wife, hear that, eh? You are my wife. For a long time you have been...

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Answer Text:
1. Make notes on the contents of Resian’s dream.
She meets the Emakererei who promises her;
- all kinds of wonderful things.
-to take her to Nakuru and have her enrolled at the Egerton University.
- vocational job.
-to protect her from FGM.

2. Discuss one character traits of Resian in this excerpt.
She is courageous. She fights Olarinkoi and as a self-defense she bits his thumb fiercely like a lioness until he bleeds.

3. What has greatly changed in Olarinkoi in this excerpt compared to his earlier conduct in the novel?
In this excerpt he is portrayed to be mean to Resian unlike his caring character portrayed when he rescues them from a near rape.

4. Identify and illustrate two aspects of style in this excerpt.
Personification/euphemism-Today we want to see how educated your body is. The body being referred to as educated.
Simile- tugging at it fiercely like a lioness.

5. Explain two major issues raised in the excerpt.
Oppression of women- Olarinkoi uses Resian desparate situation to oppress. He tears her clothes and wants to rape her.
Cultural decay/Immorality- We see Olarinkoi enganging himself in a rape mission which is portraying how Nasila culture is decayed.Olarinkoi is immoral. He calls Resian
abusive names, beats her and nearly rape her.

6. Explain what happens immediately after the excerpt.
Resian regains her finds herself naked lying on a makeshift bed covered with dirty bloody rugs in a corner of a room. She is in pain, her nose trickling with blood.

7. “Today we shall see how educated your body is” Rewrite in reported speech.
He told her that today they shall see how educated her body is.

8. Explain the meaning of the following expressions in the passage.
(i). Unblinkingly
(ii). Effortlessly
(iii). Mustering
(iv). Howled

i) looking directly and continuously.
ii) without requiring physical exertion.
iii) collect/assemble
iv) weeped/cried out loudly
