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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
"Visitors?" Resian asked, surprised. "Yes, Oloisudori is coming for lunch," her father said evenly as if to show there was nothing special about him, 'I was going to ask Taiyo to stay and help your mother, but it seems as if you had impressed Oloisudori so much the last time he was here, that he particularly asked that you be here to receive him and his party. It is good to be impressive, isn't it, eh?" Resian did not respond. The long moment of appalled silence was so dense that it was suffocating. It was ominously pregnant and Resian was amazed to see her mother sit quietly as if nothing was happening. "Must I be there, Papaw?" Resian asked desperately. "Surely, Yeiyo can manage on her own. Isn't it Yeiyo?" "You have to be there, Resian!" her father thundered with finality. "It is important to me that you be there." "But, Papaai, please..." "I have said you have to stay at home tomorrow and help your mother with the...

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Answer Text:
1. What happens immediately before the excerpt?
Before the excerpt Ole Kaelo tells Resian that tomorrow he would like her to remain home and help her mother prepare lunch for some visitors.
2. Referring to another instance in the text, why is Resian reluctant to prepare lunch for Oloisudori?
Resian’s first encounter with Oloisudori did not impress her. Oloisudori sneered her and she calls him manner less and despicable.
3. Give and illustrate character traits of the following;
ii) Ole Kaelo
i) Resian is persistent-She pleads with the father to let her mother serve the guest by herself even after the father has insisted that she has to be there because it is important for him.
ii) Ole Kaelo is short-tempered-he says… I have said you have to stay at home tomorrow and help your mother with the preparation of the lunch," he growled, the familiar edge of ill-temper showing in his voice…

4. Explain one stylistic device evident in this excerpt.
Dialogue-There is a dialogue between Ole Kaelo and Resian.
5. Mama Milano has betrayed her daughter in several instances. From this extract, explain how she has betrayed Resian.
Mama Milanoi remains silent even when Ole Kaelo forces her daughter to serve Oloisudori. She even asks her if she can manage by herself but she does not come to her defense.
6. "I have said you have to stay at home tomorrow and help your mother with the preparation of the lunch,". Write in a reported speech.
He told her that he has said she has to stay home and help her mother with the preparation of lunch.
7. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the text.
i) Appalled
ii) Growled

i) To be in shock/great dismay/horrified.
ii) To say something in a low grating voice, typically in a hostile or angry manner.

8. What happens immediately after the excerpt?
Resian pleads with the father again that she has never served such important guests but he insists that she must get used to such situations.
