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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt from Blossoms of the Savannah and answer.
"Yes they are creator s of the labyrinth that the women continue to meander around," she said philosophically.
"Even if I am reluctantly convinced that it was women and not men who initiated the obnoxious ritual who provoked the women to do so? The Ilarinkon who were purported to have pushed women into mutilating their sexuality were men. And the ancient Ilarinkon were no different from today’s Ilarinkon. Elli ancient Ilarinkon were sadists and despotic. Today's Ilarinkon are worse. In addition to being despotic, they are oppressive tyrants; and one of their ways of oppressing us is to demand that F.G.M be Perpetuated against us forever!"
A loud knock at the door disrupted their conversation. Before they could respond, there was another knock. Only this time, short urgent raps made in insistent quick succession followed. "See who it is, "her mother told her, happy to get rid of her. She rued the moment she introduced

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Answer Text:
a) "Yes, they are creator s of the labyrinth..."what is Resian responding to?
She is responding to her mother’s question of whether she is suggesting that it is men who continue to perpetuate FGM.
b)Why did women initiate FGM?
It was as a result of sexual abuse and harassment by an invading despot called Olarinkoi and his warriors.
c) To whom does Resian refer as today's Ilarinkons? Give evidence from the text to support Resian's assertion that they are oppressive tyrants.
The likes of Ole Musanka, Oloisudori and Olarinkoi. They all have the notion that a woman needs to be circumcised before they are married. Oloisudori wants to circumcise her and marry her, he also wants to circumcise forcibly circumcise Taiyo. Olarinkoi kidnaps her and collaborates with his mother to
circumcise her and marry her by force.

d)"She rued the moment she had introduced that explosive subject. "What had made her introduce the subject?
She introduced the subject because she had been advised by Yeiyo-botorr that Resian as a spirit that is a disease that could only be cured by circumcision. Having stayed in Nakuru since their birth she needed to know her stand over the same since to them cultural practices was strange.
e) Resian speaks out against FGM in this excerpt. Give another time in the text when she is critical of out dated practices.
When they are taught by Joseph Parmuat about Nasila culture she says that some cultural practices such as FGM have become obnoxious. She says if she had power she would constitute a committee that would comb the culture and put the negative ones to dust bin of history.
f) Describe the character of Resian as brought out in this excerpt.
She is Radical- she believes in the dynamism of culture and why it should change to suit the changing society. She refuses to agree with the cultural practices that are oppressive to women. She says that today's Ilarinkon are worse.
g) Give another word from the passage that means the same as oppressive.
h) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt:
i) labyrinth
ii) obnoxious

i) complex
ii) very unpleasant
