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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt from the novel Blossoms of the Savannah and answer the questions that follow.
"Oh God of all creation! Resian cried out bitterly and audibly as soon as the cruel ugly old woman left her, "What unending woes these are! Taba kilome sogo! What have I done to the gods to deserve this kind of punishment?”
Then she recalled the teaching of the Bible, and especially where it narrated the woes of those who went through similar or even worse tribulations, but triumphed at the end. She particularly remembered the wailing lamentations of Job and his railing against injustice, and she thought her problems were nothing compared to those he had suffered. He triumphed because he was stoic, focused and was able to persevere.
Olarinkoi and his demonic mother may physically take her to Tanzania, Olarinkoi may physically take her as his wife, they may even physically circumcise her, but mentally she was going to resist. She was going to refuse to be subdued. Where she could...

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Answer Text:
a) "Oh God of all creation!" What has elicited this reaction from Resian?
Resian’s reaction is elicited by the tribulation she is going through. She has just been told that she should marry Olarinkoi and move to Tanzania.

b) In note form, explain Resian's tribulations and woes since running away. Do not repeat the answers given in question (a).
-She is deceived by Olarinkoi. -She is kidnapped by Olarinkoi.
-She suffer at the back of the pick-up
-She is nearly raped by Olarinkoi.
-She is beaten by Olarinkoi until she passes out.
-There is a plan of circumcising her after she regains.

c) Comment on the different moods in paragraph one and two of this excerpt.
The mood in paragraph one is somber/sad/hopeless. Resian is saddened by all the woe that has befallen her. In paragraph two we see optimism. Resian is consoled at the thought of teaching of the Bible. She hopes that she shall triumph just like Job. She resolves to remain focus and to bear all the misfortunes.

d) The old woman is referred to as cruel, demonic and ugly. Why would she be described in this way?
She has a scary appearance and she speaks very mean words to Resian. She also plans to forcibly circumcise her.

e) Describe the character traits of Resian.
She is determined. She has decided to remain focus and she was going to refuse to be subdued. Where she could, she was going to physically resist.
She is optimistic. She hopes that she shall triumph just like Job. She resolves to remain focus and to bear all the misfortunes.

f) Identify and explain one stylistic device used in this excerpt.
Biblical Allusion-There is mention of “God of all creation” and biblical teachings. There is also mention of lamentations of Job.

g) "She now wondered who among them was a lesser devil". How is each of them a devil?
Oloisudori is a devil because he is immoral, Resian doesn’t like him right from how he looked at her. He wants to marry her without her consent and tells her that no matter how she screams she is his.
Olarinkoi is a devil because he deceives Resian, kidnaps her, takes her to his home, beats her and almost rape her.

h) Give the meaning of the following phrase as used in this except: Refuse to be subdued.
Is to refuse to be brought into subjection/under control especially by an exertion of the will.
