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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
“You are wrong again,” Simeren said smiling broadly. “It is simply this, the young man whose name is Joseph Parmuat is a brother to your daughter. Parmuat, his father is from the clan of Ilmolelian of Iloorasha-kineji sub-clan, like ourselves. It is therefore, not only a great abomination if we allow their ignorance to desecrate Nasila cultural values, but their illicit contact would be a taboo that is bound to have untold consequences on us all."
From the corner where she stood watching the noisy events in the living room, Resian saw the meeting of her sister and the lithe young man who she had earlier in the day said was handsome. For some strange reason, she felt alarmed. Was it jealousy consuming her? But why should she be jealous of her sister? No it was not jealousy. It was fear. It was the fear of losing Taiyo. Taiyo was hers. She was her only sister, her only friend and her only ally. She could not dare lose her or...

 (8m 46s)
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Answer Text:
1. Who is Simiren talking to and why?
He is talking to Mama Milanoi, Taiyo’s mother because he is concerned about the contact between Taiyo and Joseph Parmuat whom he says is a brother to Taiyo.
2. What was happening before they started talking?
It is a home coming ceremony for the Kaelos. Mama Milanoi spots Taiyo across the room talking to a handsome young man. As she watched the two talking and in her thoughts, Simiren starts asking her if she knows the man her daughter is talking to.
3. Give two character traits of Simiren.
He is conservative- he tells Mama Milano that if the two go ahead with their illicit contact, it is therefore, not only a great abomination to allow their ignorance to desecrate Nasila cultural values, but it would also be a taboo
that is bound to have untold consequences on them all.
He is subtle-He advices Mama Milanoi to warn her daughter basing his arguments on Nasila culture values.

4. With illustration, explain one thematic concern portrayed in this excerpt.
The Nasila culture- This is seen when Simiren explains that Joseph Parmuat is of Ilmolelian clan and therefore is Taiyo’s brother. It is considered abomination in Nasila culture for people from the same clan to marry and it is tantamount to untold consequences to those involved.
5. Explain two stylistic techniques used by the author in this excerpt.
i) Rhetorical questions – There are rhetorical questions about how Resian got alarmed. Was it jealousy consuming her? But why should she be jealous of her sister?
ii)Local dialet- Reian swears- inkilani-e-papaai.

6. From elsewhere in the novel explain how Resian would not let anybody come between her and her sister.
There is a strong bond between Taiyo and Resian. When they are accousted by a man Resian defends her and tells the man to let her sister alone. She knows that her father likes Taiyo more than herself so she hopes that it’s only her sister who can convince their father to allow them go to the University.
7. No it was not jealousy. (Introduce a question tag)
Was it?
8. Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.
i) desecrate
ii) illicit
iii) ally
i) To damage or show a lack of respect toward something holy or respected/ to violet sanctity of something.
ii) unlawful/forbidden.
iii) Side with or support.
