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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
At seven o’clock in the evening after the lights had been put on, and the traditional esuguroi drink had been served in generous measures, tongues loosened and hearts gladdened. Soon after, the party gathered momentum and voices rose. Within no time, one could hardly be heard over the hubbub of talk and laughter. And as the pleasurable and lively celebration progressed, voices became animated; hands and arms gesticulated vigorously while heads turned more often. Eyes searched out acquaintances within the throng of revelers. And it was all pomp and gaiety as ivory adorned and bejeweled fingers fluttered; bare shoulders gleamed in the light multi-colored bead ornaments glittered upon elaborately bedecked necks: pendulous ilmiintoni of all colors dangled loosely down extended ear-lobes: and the bright colors of lesos, kangas, red shukas and multicoloured blankets, all turned the Ole Kaelo living room into a kaleidoscope ...

 (8m 52s)
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Answer Text:

1. Place this extract in its immediate context.
Before the excerpt, Simiren invites all the present guests and invites the elders to Ole Kaelo’s living room. They are served with meat and beverages and the young people departs.
After the excerpt Mama Milanoi moves from one group to the other talking cheerful to ensure that no guest leaves without noticing that she is the woman of that home.

2. State and explain two thematic concerns in this context.
Tradition. There is traditional esuguroi being served in the party.There is mention of traditional attires like ilmiintoi,lesos,kangas and red shukas.
Positive Nasila culture.There is celebration at the Kaelos to welcome them back to Nasila.
The guests are served generously.

3. What is the significance of the use of words like esuguroi, ilmiintoni, lesos, kangas, and shukas?
To enable us identify the geographical setting of the novel.

4. Identify and explain two character traits of ole Kaelo.
He is hospitable. He invites visitors to his home and entertain them with drinks generously.
He is generous. We are told that the esuguroi had been served in generous measure, meaning he gave them enough of the drinks.

5. Eyes searched out acquaintances within the throng of revelers. Rewrite to form a question.
Did the eyes not search out acquaintances within the throng of revelers?

6. Which other party has an equal weight from the rest of the novel. What is its significance?
The farewell party of Resian and Taiyo as they are leaving the ranch for Egerton University.
The party signified their victory against early marriage and FGM and ushers them into a new beginning, the education that they have always dreamt of.
