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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
"However disreputable the man may be," her mother warned her, "be careful Resian. We don't know what connection the man has with your father and it would be catastrophic if your tongue would be the one to sever his relations with other men. Go to the living room and tell him I'm busy preparing lunch. Get him a cup of tea or something else to drink and make him comfortable before your father comes. I am sure he will be here soon." Reluctantly, Resian took a flask that contained tea and cup and slowly walked back to the living room. The moment she reappeared, Resian saw Oloisudori crane his neck, watching her. She quickly placed the flask and cup on the table and her hands automatically flew to the buttons of her blouse that she suddenly felt, from the looks in his eyes' must have been Unbuttoned. But "It must have taken long for you to decide whether to give me a cup of tea?" he said sarcastically. The man's words shocked...

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Answer Text:
a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context.
Before the excerpt, Resian goes to her mother in the kitchen and informs her there is a visitor by the name Oloisudori who wants to see Ole Kaelo. She says that the man is manner less and despicable.
After the excerpt, Resian tells Oloisudori that her mother said that he should keep himself comfortable and wait for the father. He asks her her name and he says she has a beautiful name.

b) State and explain one major theme in this excerpt.
Theme of immorality. Oloisudori is portrayed as immoral. We are told that ‘…For the very few minutes she stood before him, she felt his black languorous eyes move up and down her face and body with a relentless intimacy that nearly immobilized her with embarrassment. She felt as if his hands were all over her body caressing her against her will. She even felt angry with herself, when she reasoned that by standing there she was encouraging him to humiliate her…’

c) Identify and illustrate two features of style in this extract.
Use of dialogue. There is a dialogue between Oloisudori and Resian. Vivid description. This is evident in the description of how Resian reacts to Oloisudori’s looks. ‘…Sweat trickled down her stomach, broke out on her face, before becoming clammy on her cheeks. She shook her head as if to check whether she was really awake.’

d) Explain how Oloisudori had helped Resian's father in the past.
He has helped Ole Kaelo to secure contracts for the stock in his shop and loan to build his house.

e) "It must have taken long for you to decide whether to give me a cup of tea" he said sarcastically. (Rewrite the sentence in direct speech)
He said sarcastically that it must have taken her long to decide whether to give him a cup tea.

f) How disreputable is Oluisudori? Explain three things that make him a despicable person.
He is mannerlessly-He peers at Resian. His eyes slid from her face and deliberately scanning her body.
Resian is a minor before him but he is attracted to her and expresses it without embarrassment.
He pushes his way into the living room and as he passed his lifted hand graze the fullness of her breast.

g) Describe one-character trait of ;
i) Oloisudori
ii) Resian
i) Oloisudori is ill-mannered. He peers at Resian. His eyes slid from her face and deliberately scanning her body.
ii) Resian is observant. She able notice that Oloisudori is a despicable person.

h) Explain the meaning of the words as used in the excerpt
i) languorous
ii) hypnotized
i) Lacking energy especially of a pleasurable kind.
ii) Dazzled/overcome by something.
