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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
It did not take long before Taiyo and Resian had their chance to put into practice their plan. It was a little conspiratorial game they thought they were playing behind their parents' backs. The mission was intended to show Oloisudori that they were not on sale. And if he thought the prize of one of them was equivalent to whatever amount of money was in the briefcase previously handed to their father, he was mistaken.
They also wanted to show him that they were young modern women who had their own pride, self-respect and self-esteem. They wanted him to know that they were not rudderless objects drifting in the sea without direction. They already had their aims and projections that could only be enhanced by the lofty ideas they held and the desire for higher learning at the university and career development. It was therefore an insult to their intelligence, dignity and integrity to think that mere material things such as..

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Answer Text:
i) What happens before the excerpt?
Resian comes up with a plan of returning the gifts they were given by Oloisudori during his second visit at the Ole Kaelos. She plans to personally give him the gifts and then give him an impression that she can be manipulated.
b) Which gifts is talked about in this excerpt?
The gifts that Oloisudori brought to Resian and Taiyo. They include the ring that he bought for Resian.
c) Give one character trait of Resian.
She is firm- Even the gifts brought by Oloisudori could not manipulate her. She is firm that she cannot be bought and they are not on sale.
d) From elsewhere in the novel, where do we see their aim of getting higher education being fulfilled?
They escape from Oloisudori’s planned marriage and ends up at Minik’s ranch where they are given letters for admission to the Egerton University.
e) They wanted him to know that they were not rudderless objects drifting in the sea without direction.
i) which stylistic device is this?
ii) In relation to the novel, what is the meaning of the style mentioned above.

i) Idiomatic expression.
ii) The meaning is they wanted him to know that they are ambitious and focused in life.

f) Which thematic concern is portrayed in this excerpt. Illustrate.
Theme of place of a woman in the society-Oloisudori thinks that he can simply buy Resian through gifts. Resian instead plans to show him that they are modern women who had their own pride, self-respect and self-esteem.
