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 Sample Blossoms of The Savannah Excerpts With Questions and Answers

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
However, the notion that he was about to hand over his own daughter to a gangster continued to gnaw at the conscience of Ole Kaelo relentlessly. He felt guilty, especially when he recalled the atrocities that were known to have been committed by Oloisudori over the years. But another voice told him quietly that he was being foolish and unreasonable to question his own conscience over the matter of Oloisudori, for he was just one among many who were enjoying the fruits of their labor. And it was hardly anybody’s business to know how honest that labor was. After all, the small voice reassured him tauntingly, those who committed bigger crimes such as Goldenberg and Anglo-leasing, were still enjoying the ‘fruits of their labor.’ Had they not invested the yields of their ill-gotten money in housing estates, in shares, in import and exports in tourism, in transport and in other trades, just as Oloisudori had done? When he went

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Answer Text:
1. Place the excerpt in its immediate context.
Before the excerpt, Ole Kaelo, and Mama Milanoi are being driven back home by Oloisudori’s driver after they have hatched an idea on how to deal with Resian. They get to the Nasila plains and Ole Kaelo in his thought begun to question the wisdom of his decision. He begin to admire Oloisudori’s luxurious life.
After the excerpt, Ole Kaelo ponders over the dream that has given them false hope as their daughters were busy hatching their own little plan in their bedroom.

2. Discuss three major issues in this excerpt.
Corruption-Ole kaelo feels guilty that he is giving his daughter to Oloisudori who is corrupt. A small voice assures him that there are people who have committed bigger crime such as Goldenberg and Anglo-leasing.
Greed-Because of greed Ole Kaelo is trying to convince himself that he is not making a mistake giving her daughter Resian to Oloisudori. He fears that if Resian refuses, Oloisudori would recall the loan he had extended to him to buy the house.

3. Discuss two character traits of Ole Kaelo in this excerpt.
He is selfish- He accepts to give her daughter to Oloisudori due to his selfish interest. He knows that the success or failure of the entire plan would determine the fate of his business.
He is unreasonable-He is knows that he about to hand his daughter to a gangster but is still entertaining that thoughts that Oloisudori is among those who are enjoy the fruits of their labor.

4. “And the thoughts gave him anxious moments” Add a question tag.
Didn’t they?

5. Discuss any three aspects of style in this excerpt.
Use of rhetorical question. Had they not invested the yields of their ill-gotten money in housing estates, in shares, in import and exports in tourism, in transport and in other trades, just as Oloisudori had done?
Allusion-There is a mention of Goldenberg and Anglo-leasing.
Use of dream- Ole kaelo dreams that Resian has willingly accepted to marry Oloisudori.

6. Explain the meaning of the following expressions from the excerpt.
(i). Gnaw
(ii). Pondering
(iii). Impending visit
(iv). He was done.

i) To feel worried
ii) To think about something carefully.
iii) Forth coming visit/about to happen.
iv) To reach the end/finished
