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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Differences between population trends in Kenya and Sweden.

 (8m 4s)
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Differences between population trends in Kenya and Sweden.
1. Kenya has a birth rate of 3.2% leading to high population growth while Sweden has 0.5%leading to slow growth rate.
2. Kenya has a population density of 36 persons per square km while Sweden
has a population density of 19 P/km2.
3. Kenya has a larger population than Sweden.
4. Kenya has a large population of young people and a small proportion of old people while Sweden has a large population of old people and a small proportion of young people.
5. Kenya has relatively high death rates throughout age groups while Sweden has low.
6. Population distribution in Sweden is very uneven compared to Kenya’s.
7. In Sweden most of the population is found in urban areas while in Kenya most of it is found in rural areas.
8. Kenya has a high dependency ratio compared to Sweden.
9. Kenya has a low life expectancy (50 years) than Sweden (70 years).
10. The main factor contributing to population growth in Kenya is high birth rate while in Sweden it is Migration.
