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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Causes of mortality or factors which cause slow population Growth

 (7m 4s)
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(b) Mortality as a factor influencing population growth.
- Mortality refers to deaths among members of a population.
 It reduces the population in a given area
 It also affects its structure or composition of the population in terms of age and sex whereby if
there is consistent death of a particular age or sex there will be marked change in the population because the other ages or sex will be more than the affected ones.
Causes of Mortality/ More Factors Which Cause Slow Population Growth
1. Low nutritional standards which cause
deficiency diseases reducing body’s ability to fight diseases which may kill many children below 5 years.
2. Low hygiene standards which may cause diarrheal diseases such as cholera which kill young and old members of the population.
3. Prevalence of natural calamities e.g. droughts, floods and earthquakes which also leads to deaths of many.
4. Epidemics and disease outbreaks such as HIV/AIDS which has eliminated large numbers of people in communities where wife inheritance is practised and as was the case in S.W. Uganda.
5. Human made calamities such as outbreaks of war and high crime rates which reduce population.
6. Emigration i.e. movement of people from their country especially the youth to settle else where which reduces population at the area of origin.
