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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Positive and negative effects of over population

 (7m 37s)
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Consequences of Population Growth.
Overpopulation (Positive Population Increase).
Positive Effects
1. A large population provides cheap labour due to a large number of people competing for jobs.
2. Increased exploitation of natural resources and industrial development due to increased demand for goods and services causing those activities to be increased to meet the demand.
3. Technological innovation due to pressing needs associated with a high population
(necessity is the mother of invention).
Negative Effects
1. Pressure on land leading to land fragmentation.
2. Environmental degradation when people clear forests to make room for settlement and agriculture.
3. Low investment and slow growth of industry as the government spends a lot of money on education and medical facilities leaving less for investment.
4. Lowering GDP (aggregate value of goods and services that a country can produce) due to inability to save any money for investment.
5. High rate of unemployment due to employment sector growing at a slower rate than population growth.
6. Towns face problems of water shortage, pressure on social amenities and high cost of housing leading to development of informal settlements such as slums which expand covering agricultural land surrounding the towns.
