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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Causes of high fertility rate in Kenya.

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Causes of High Fertility Rate in Kenya.
Cultural Beliefs
1. Early marriage of women which lengthens their fertile duration.
2. Belief in large families as a source of prestige e.g. children are a source of
labour and girls are a source of dowry.
3. Polygamy which causes competition between wives leading to large number of births per woman.
4. Sex preference when there is a high regard for a birth of a son/heir to ensure continuity of the family status which causes
couples who are bearing girls to continue bearing girls until they get a boy.
5. Naming of relatives whereby couples will continue to get children until they finish naming relatives of both sides e.g. fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, etc.
Other Factors
1. modernisation which leads to decline in social values leading to free interaction of young girls and men causing girls to become mothers at tender age.
2. Availability of enough and better food ensuring people are healthy and live longer and are able to bear more children as they are able to feed them.
3. Availability of health services for both mother and child which provide prenatal and post natal care.
