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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Types of migration and categories of internal migration

 (5m 58s)
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Types of Migration
- There are 2 basic types namely:
1. Internal migration
- Migration within a country.
Types of Internal Migration.
(a) Rural to urban Migration.
- Movement of people from rural areas to urban areas.
- It involves:
1. Youth who have completed various levels of education moving to urban areas to seek employment in while collar jobs.
2. People moving to urban areas in search of alternative ways of earning a living due to shortage of land in rural areas, unemployment and low prices for agricultural produce.
3. Traders relocating to urban areas where there is a larger market as the people in rural areas have low purchasing power.
4. People moving to urban areas where there is adequate social amenities such as hospitals, entertainment, electricity and generally exciting life.
5. Youth seeking for further education who join universities and colleges many of which are located in urban areas.
6. Transfer of people employed in rural areas to urban areas.
