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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Factors influencing Kenya’s rapid population growth rate.

 (8m 7s)
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Factors influencing Kenya’s rapid population growth rate.
1.Cultural beliefs:
i).Sex preference: due to social obligations expected to all sons, some couples consider their births incomplete without a son.
ii)The need for more children- children provide a
social, economic and psychological satisfaction to their parents.
iii) Early marriage- when a woman gets married early in life, chances are that , by the time she is 45 years old she is likely to have given birth to many children.
2.Health services.
-It has been the aim of the govern to provide health facilities and medical personnel to provide health care to the population. This policy has assisted in controlling diseases.
3. Increased food production-introduction of modern farming technology has enabled farmers to use improved seeds, fertilizers and machines has resulted to improved food production
4.Improved standards of living (modernization)-the youth nowadays mature faster than in the past and this has attributed to better nutrition.
5.Religious –religious ideas influence the pattern of individual fertility behavior, some religions do not condone artificial methods of birth control.
