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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Calculations involved in population growth.

 (6m 14s)
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Calculations involved in population growth.
1. Natural Population Growth.
- Natural increase or decrease in population.
- It’s calculated using Crude Birth Rate/ estimated rate of births in a population (CBR) and Crude Death Rate/
estimated rate of deaths in a population (CDR).
- CBR=total number of births in a yearx1000/total population
estimated at midyear=X births/1000population.
- CDR=total number of deaths in a year×1000/total population estimated at mid-year=X deaths/1000population. N.P.G=CBRCDR×100/ 1000=X%.
- For instance, in 1999 the CBR in Kenya was 41.3 while CDR was 11.7. Therefore the population growth was:
2. Numerical population growth.
- Actual or absolute increase in the number of people in an area within a given period of time. = inter-censal increase×100/total population in the
former census
- For instance pop in 1989 was 2000 and in 1999 was 2500. Intercensal increase was 500 =500×100/2000=25%.
