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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Related studies on population in Kenya and Denmark:factors which have contributed To slow population growth in Sweden.

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Related Studies on Population in Kenya and Denmark.
- One of the Scandinavian countries which also include Norway, Finland and Denmark.
- It’s located in the N. Europe.
- It’s in the 4th stage of the population transition trend. The birth and death rates are equal i.e. replacement level.
- Natural and numerical population growth is 0.5%.
Factors Which Have Contributed To Slow Population Growth in Sweden.
1. Improvement of medical facilities.
2. People have become more affluent and urbanized causing a tendency to have fewer children so as to maintain a high standard of living.
3. Population has embraced birth control measures and as a result contraceptives are widely used.
4. Move towards small families in response to economic realities.
5. High rate of separation leading to low fertility rate and consequently low birth rates.
6. Population is highly literate and understands the need for controlling population growth.
7. Low death rates reducing the need to bear more children.
