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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Consequences of under population

 (5m 46s)
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Consequences of under population (Negative/Slow Population Growth).
- This is the case in developed countries.
1. High government spending on health and social welfare as the population consists of a high proportion of old people due to low birth rates and low death rates.
2. High cost of production since there is a small work force consisting of skilled people whose wages are high.
3. Underutilization of resources such as agriculture and mineral resources since there is shortage of labour due to sparse population and most of it being
concentrated in urban areas.
4. Inadequate market for goods and services due to a small population.
5. Underdevelopment and low living standards in rural areas since a large percentage of people live in urban areas.
6. Traffic congestion and atmospheric and noise pollution in urban areas due to continuous expansion of towns.
7. Reduced food production as towns expand and engulf surrounding agricultural land.
