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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Positive and negative effects of Migration at the Place of Origin

 (7m 57s)
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Effects of Migration.
At the Place of Origin
Positive Effects
1. Improved agricultural production in rural areas when people move out creating more room for cultivation.
2. Increase in purchasing power in rural areas when
migrants remit money back home.
3. Relief to a country which is faced with unemployment when people get employed outside the country.
Negative Effects
1. Lowering agricultural production when able bodied people go to town leaving the women,
elderly and children who are unable to manage farms effectively.
2. Underemployment in rural areas due to lowered agricultural productivity.
3. Break up of families and lowering of social morals since majority of migrants are men which causes imbalance of female-male ratio.
4. Lowering of population density in the area of origin.
5. Lowering of fertility due to long separation between a man and wife.
6. Lower rate of industrialization due to transfer of skilled man power to other countries (brain drain).
