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 Form 4 Geography online video lessons on population

Significance of population structure

 (5m 23s)
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Significance of Population Structure.
1. For planning by enabling the government to know the percentage of available funds to allocate for various sectors e.g. if most of the people in the population are youth it will allocate more funds for education and health services.
2. For calculation of dependency ratio (proportion of population which isn’t involved in production activities to the one that is. DR=children <15+old people/working population (15-64)
- High dependency ratio means the population is strained since population will devote most of its resources to consumption instead of investment.
3. For calculation of sex ratio (number of males per 100 females.
- If greater than 100 it means there are a greater number of males than females which is typical in urban areas.
- Small sex ratio results in male deficiency which affects fertility which is typical in urban areas.
