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 The electoral process and function of governments in other parts of the world

The electoral process of India

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The electoral process of India
a) India’s parliament is composed of the Lower Chamber or House of The People (lok Sabha) and the Upper House or the Council of States (Rajya Sabha).
b) The term of lok sabha is five years while that of rajya sabha is six years.
c) Lok sabha consists of 545 elected members, 543 elected from each constituency created based on population size.
d) Political parties field candidates in each constituency. e) India’s universal adult suffrage is 18 years.
f) The election commission, a constitution arm of the Indian electoral process oversees the elections.
g) Candidates are required to declare their assets, age, educational qualifications and criminal history before being cleared to vie.
h) Campaigning ends a day before the voting day.
