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 The electoral process and function of governments in other parts of the world

The electoral process in Britain

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The electoral process in Britain.
The British government is based on the party system. Elections for party leaders are held separately before the general elections. Unlike USA and other major democratic states outside commonwealth, there is no fixed date for British parliamentary elections. The date of a general election is
decided upon by the prime Minister. The Choice of a date of elections is influenced by the following factors;
1. The economic situation that is the availability of funds.
2. The state of the government’s legislative programme in the House of Commons.
3. The desire to increase government support in parliament.
The electoral system for the House of Commons is based on the principal of ‘one person, one vote’
There are two types of elections for the House of Commons.
-General elections where members of the House of Commons are elected for a 5-year term.
-By elections in the event of resignation, death or resignation of a member of parliament.
