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 The electoral process and function of governments in other parts of the world

In this lesson, we are going to learn about the cabinet in Britain and its functions

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The Cabinet in Britain.
The cabinet is made of the ministers appointed by the P.M with the approval of the monarch and nominated from the party with the majority of seats. The cabinet performs the following functions;
a) The cabinet ministers institute policies that guide the operations in the various departments of the ministry.
b) Cabinet determines the policy to present to parliament for consideration.
c) Cabinet is responsible for the coordination of government activity. E.g. all ministers must implement cabinet decisions with regard to their department.
The following conventions provide guidance on the operation of the cabinet;
a) Once a government is defeated, on a major issue or on a vote of no confidence, it is expected to resign. A government whose party is defeated in General elections is expected to resign.
b) The cabinet is drawn from the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
c) The entire cabinet comes from the same political party of majority seats except during a crisis like war.
Since 1945, Britain has never embraced a coalition.
d) The advice offered by the cabinet must be accepted by the monarch, failure to which a crisis can occur.
