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 The electoral process and function of governments in other parts of the world

The electoral process in USA and the types of elections held in USA.

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The electoral process in USA.
There are three types of election held in USA.
a) The election of the president.
b) Congressional elections
c) The state election involving election of state governors and state legislatures. All candidates vying for various seats must be American citizens and must be residents in the area they aspire to represent Age limit is 25 years for the representatives and 35 years for the president. During the election year party primaries are held between March and May to choose presidential candidates. Party conventions are held in July to confirm winners of the primary elections.
Each presidential candidate picks a running mate who becomes the vice president if the presidential candidate wins. Presidential elections are held after every 4 years (on 2nd November). The election of the president is determined indirectly by the Electoral College that comprises electors appointed by each state.
