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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

The Black conscious movement - Soweto, 1976.

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The Black conscious movement - Soweto, 1976.
- In the absence of other forms of political expression, young people sought alternative means to express their political aspirations.
- African university students, disappointed with the multiracial National Union of South
African Students (NUSAS), decided to establish the South African Students' Organization (SASO) in 1969 with Steve Biko, an African medical student at the University of Natal, as president.
- In 1972, a Black allied workers’ union and the Black Peoples' Convention (BPC) was set up to act as a political umbrella organization for the adherents of black consciousness.
- On 12th September 1977, Steve Biko, who had been held in indefinite detention, died from massive head injuries sustained during police interrogation.
- In October 1977, SASO, the BPC and all black consciousness organizations were banned.
