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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

Problems that faced FRELIMO in the war against Portuguese.

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Problems that faced FRELIMO in the war against Portuguese.
(a) Africans experienced severe shortage of basic needs while in the forests.
- The government forces ensured that food and other supplies did not reach the fighters.
(b) The attitude of the church in Mozambique made many African faithful reluctant to support the liberation war.
(c) FRELIMO suffered internal divisions due to ideological differences and selfish ambitions among some of the nationalists.
(d) Competition from rival guerilla movements like Revolutionary Committee of Mozambique (COREMO) which broke away from FRELIMO in 1965 due to the latter’s lean towards socialism.
(e) The assassination of FRELIMO leader Eduardo Mondlane in Dar es Salaam on 3rd February 1969 was a great blow to the nationalists.
(f) The brutality employed by the Portuguese in dealing with FRELIMO sympathizers. For example at Wiriyamu, in December 1972, 400 civilians, protesting against the Portuguese administration, were massacred.
