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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

Factors for the growth of nationalism in Ghana

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Factors for the growth of nationalism in Ghana.
- It was fuelled by nationalists such as Kwame Nkrumah (An elite), J.B Danquah and other LegCo appointees from the Gold Coast.
(a) The early Introduction of cocoa growing led to adoption of money economy in Ghana ahead of
other countries. This enabled faster social and economic transformation of the people.
(b) The colonial government’s attempt to tamper with cocoa growing by ordering cutting of coca trees, hurt people to the level of developing nationalistic feelings against the British.
(c) Ghana was one of the first countries in Africa to receive western education from the missionaries.
(d) The existence of ex-servicemen in Ghana also played an important role in the campaign for independence.
(e) The granting of trading licences by the government selectively to European traders while deliberately denying the Africans.
(f) Ghana had comparatively better developed transport and communication system. Also being a small country, movement of information, ideas and people was easy, quick and efficient.
(g) The charismatic and strong leadership provided by Kwame Nkrumah
brought cohesiveness among people of Ghana. He formed the CPP party, which became the symbol of struggle for the oppressed people of Ghana.
